Our Publications
(Author: Diana Solopchenko)
All rights reserved. Please refer to our web-site http://solopchenko.com when copying information.
Articles on Translation issues
1) Digest: Linguistics, unity in variety. Article "Peculiarities of translation of English apposition phrases into Russian on the example of publicistic political text" (download).
Articles on Legal issues
Articles and reports in UK/USA magazines
1) "Financier Worldwide Magazine", UK. Article "Investment contracts with the Government of Moscow acting as a counterparty", 10/2012 (download);
2) "Acquisition International Magazine", UK. Article «Perspectives development of business in Russia in 2012», 01/2012 (download);
3) "IFLR-1000", UK/USA. Report, 02/2012;
4) "Doing Business 2012", "Doing Business in a More Transparent World. World Bank Group", USA. Report "Protecting Investors – The Russian Federation", 02/2012.
Articles in Russian magazines
1) "Akcionerny Vestnik" No. 01/2012, Article "Best type of reorganisation" (download);
2) "Mergers and Acquisitions" No. 6 (112), 2012, Article "Territorial jurisdiction as means to acknowledge the existence of a branch of a legal entity" (download);
3) "Khozyaistvo i Pravo" No. 11, 2012, Article "Income tax of individuals working in foreign legal entities" (download). Link to original publication: http://www.lawlibrary.ru/article2254204.html;
4) "Corporate Lawyer" No. 03/2012, Article "Issues in real estate litigation" (download);
5) "Corporate Lawyer" No. 05/2013, Article "Сhanges in legal practice of real estate mortgages registration" (download). Link to original publication: http://www.clj.ru/journal/277/;
6) "Securities Market" No. 07/2013, Article "Promissory note without counter provision" (download). Link to original publication: http://www.rcb.ru/rcb/2013-05/218005/;
7) "Law and Security" No. 3-4 (45) 2013, Article "Modern ways of combating terrorism and extremism", pages 51-56 (download). Link to original publication: http://www.law.edu.ru/article/article.asp?articleID=1559079;
8) "Rossiyskiy Sledovatel" No. 6, 03.2014, Article "New tendencies in development of legislation on terrorism and extremism in the Russian Federation and abroad" (download). Link to original publication: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=21376940;
9) Newspaper "Ezh-Jurist" No. 12, 03.2013, Chapter "Law and Society", Article "Economic ways of combating terrorism" (download).
Reports and Comments for Mass Media
1) Vestnik of the Federal Arbitrazh Court of the North-Caucasian Region No. 1 (11) 2013, Report "Court is not entitled to discuss the voidance of a voidable transaction at its own discretion" to the Decree of the Federal Arbitrazh Court of the North-Caucasian Region No. 32-20319/2011 dated August 23, 2012 (download);
2) Vestnik of the Federal Arbitrazh Court of the North-Caucasian Region No. 1 (11) 2013, Report "Dissipating of assets by debt creation simulation" to the Decree of the Federal Arbitrazh Court of the North-Caucasian Region No. А32-25295/2010 dated September 12, 2012 (download);
3) "Odnako", January 31, 2014, commenting for Article by Olga Dolgova "Industry unions and associations are not stable". Link: http://www.odnako.org/magazine/material/soyuzi-rushimi/;
4) Business web-portal "BFM.ru" dated November 25, 2012, commenting for Article by Tatiana Sokolova "Destroy or recognise: multi-flat houses in the territories of private living and construction category". Link: http://www.bfm.ru/news/200390?doctype=articlel;
5) Commercial real estate web-portal "Arendator.ru" dated September 17, 2012, commenting for Article by Artem Bartkov "Detailed peculiarities of Russian admittance to the WTO". Link: http://www.arendator.ru/articles/63858-v_tonkostyah__-_sut_aspekty_vstupleniya_rossii_v_vto/;
6) "Kommersant Dengi" No. 12 dated March 26, 2012, page 31, commenting for Article by Julia Pogorelova "Hopeless Khruschev-era Houses". Link: http://www.kommersant.ru/doc-y/1900495.